The benefits of an e-commerce website


For many business owners, it’s a big decision whether you should get a traditional or e-commerce website, with many asking questions such as: How much does an e-commerce website cost?  What are the advantages of an e-commerce website?

Well at Simplicity Marketing, we thought we‘d outline the top 5 benefits of making that investment into an e-commerce website:

1 – It’s Scalable: As you grow the website grows

We build all our websites with growth in mind, so as you add extra product lines or expand your market, then your e-commerce website can be built to adapt and allow this to happen.  This could be anything from your simple product range to variable products, along with more complex composite or add-on services. (Read our e-commerce website case study on Highland Fasteners and how they developed their business)

An e-commerce website allows you to showcase your full product range at all times, using clever filters based on product attributes such as colour, size, shape or price.  Once again this allows the website to grow as your business grows.

2 – Market Reach: Your products at the click of a button

We’re all guilty of late night shopping or enjoying a lazy day on the sofa surfing the web.  Well, the beauty of an e-commerce website is that you’re opening up your products to the wider market.  No longer are you restricted to opening hours, or geographical location but rather, with strategic SEO, keywords, and PPC marketing campaigns you can reach your target market all year round.

Have you ever dreamed of making money as you sleep?  Well with an e-commerce website this is possible!

3 – Shopping Experience: Give them the personal touch

Sometimes in a busy shop, you see customers coming and going and feel you’ve missed an opportunity.  We build all our WordPress e-commerce websites with a few clever features to help provide an improved shopping experience, from a personalised welcome to abandoned cart messages, all the way to personalised voucher codes to reward your loyal and potential new customers.

Potential buyers are more likely to commit and make that final purchasing decision if they can browse a wider product range and order instantly without the need to queue or stand in-store.

4 – Accurate Reporting: All with the click of a button!

Any business depends heavily on detailed and accurate reporting.  With your e-commerce reporting systems, we will ensure that not only does the woo-commerce stock management system allow you to keep track of the number of items you hold, you can also run detailed daily, monthly or quarterly reports on product groups and sectors.

5 – Less Overheads: Save money while making more of it!

Although a professional e-commerce website requires an initial outlay and expense, there’s no doubt that it’s a much cheaper and easier way to sell products or services. As a business owner, you don’t have to worry about any large lease or rental commitments, with utility bills or high-security measures to protect your shop.

This in turn allows you to keep your overheads lower meaning you can make more per sale! That’s what we call ‘winner winner chicken dinner’.

If you would like to find out more about how an e-commerce website or even a bespoke WordPress Website can help your business out then contact Team Simplicity.


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