The Evolution of Marketing – A Look into the Last 100 Years and Beyond

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I had yet to learn about the significance of social media in marketing back when I graduated from the University of Stirling, considering social media was not even on the curriculum. However, the internet and social media platforms have changed the entire marketing landscape.

Today, it’s only possible to envision marketing with digital elements, email campaigns, or influencer marketing. In this article, we’ll travel back in time and look at the emergence and transformation of marketing with a glimpse into the future.

1900-1919: A significant shift in the world

During this period, there was a significant shift in the way marketing was used. It was not only limited to door-to-door sales and print ads. While mass production of goods allowed for a broader market, it also meant that advertising could reach more people (no such thing as a selfie or influencers back then). The first advertising agencies began to emerge; they aided businesses in developing campaigns and strategies that catered to specific audiences. The rise of radio and the moving picture dramatically broadened the reach and impact of marketing and advertising.

1920-1939: The Beginning of the “Mad Men” Era

The first Madison Avenue advertising agency appeared in 1929, and with it came a new era in advertising. It was all about selling the American dream, personal aspiration, and status. This decade they introduced slogans, taglines, and jingles used in everyday language. In this era, advertising manipulated emotions and sold more products. Marketers learned that sex sells and pushed the boundaries with the first suggestive advertising campaigns.

1940-1959: The Post-War Boom

Advertising in the 1940s and 1950s was all about the post-war boom. Marketing strategies were utilised to target the homeowners, and brands were more focused on long-term retention strategies. Televisions were becoming commonplace in the living room, increasing the power of commercials and advertising. Brands began employing emotional appeal, using art, illustrations, and photography like never before.

1960-1979: The Age of Innovation

In the 1960s and 1970s, marketers experimented with new formats and technologies. The rise of colour television brought commercials to the next level. Ads now featured famous faces, and companies became more involved with marketing campaigns and customer interactions. Direct marketing strategies like coupons became increasingly popular. For some celebrities, the money from advertising and sponsorship made them more famous than their acting profession!

1980-1999: A Technological Revolution

This era brought a technological revolution that changed the marketing landscape entirely. Computers became the norm, resulting in rapid advancement in digital media. In the mid-90s, the birth of e-commerce opened new markets for advertisers, and a new generation of “tech-savvy” advertisers started to emerge.

2000-2019: The Dawn of Social Media

The internet’s arrival facilitated a direct marketing communication channel that didn’t exist before. In the 2000s, social media became more prominent; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other platforms opened up new doors of communication between companies and customers. Marketers shifted from traditional media to online platforms, utilising analytics and optimising marketing strategies based on real-time data. Social media influencers emerged as the new marketing channel, which allowed for a more targeted approach to marketing.

2020- Future: Artificial Intelligence and Digital Marketing

As we progress, digital marketing will continue to advance, with automation and artificial intelligence leading the way. Advertisers can analyse data more effectively and quickly than before while also utilising cutting-edge technologies such as VR and AR. As such, we are already seeing new types of marketing emerge, which are personalised and interactive.

So how does this impact you?

The transformation of the marketing industry has been immense over the last 100 years. Advances in technology have shaped how businesses today market their products and services. The industry has come a long way, from the first radio ad to influencer marketing. What does the future hold for the world of advertising? It’s unknown, but as we become more technologically advanced, we can be sure that the industry will continue to evolve, and digital advertising will be at the fore. One thing is sure; there will always be a constant need for marketing and advertising to serve as the bridge between businesses and their target markets, and it will continue to play a crucial role in the business world for years to come.

The team at Simplicity pride itself in keeping up to date with the latest trends and opportunities whilst valuing the more traditional routes to market that still have merit in the modern-day marketing landscape!


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