Why should I hire a Marketing Agency

Why should I hire a Marketing Agency

A question we get asked all the time, and a very good one at that.

Many business owners see social posts, design work, or even websites and think they may look simple or quick to do, but the reality is that to create an effective marketing campaign takes time, creativity, and technical know-how.

As a creative digital marketing agency in Scotland, we provide an integrated approach to your marketing by using our experience to help maximise your marketing investment. Here are 3 reasons why should you hire a marketing agency:

1 – As an agency, we probably have more marketing knowledge & experience

It is impossible to know everything…. sorry to say it but it’s true! That is why when it comes to hiring a creative marketing agency it is a good business decision. You are purchasing the marketing know-how and knowledge from a professional team with years of experience and training.

A marketing agency has a team of qualified people covering a wide range of marketing services, from graphic designers, technical SEO gurus, and web developers, to our strategic marketing & social media managers.

As a business owner, I don’t write my own tax returns – I have my qualified accountant to do that, the same way I don’t service the office boiler – I have a qualified gas engineer to carry this out. In business, it makes sense to outsource areas that require specialist know-how and experience.

2 – As an agency, we will ensure time is dedicated to achieving your marketing objectives

I am sure we have all been in positions that we wish we could buy more time, whether it’s for a big project deadline or even a holiday. When you outsource to a marketing agency you are, in theory, buying more time!

Making an investment in a marketing agency will not only free up your time to focus on running or growing your business, but it saves you time because agencies have the tools, training, and resources to deliver projects more quickly than you could in-house.

3 – As an agency, we get things done

Another reason why outsourcing to a marketing agency might be for you is if you look at your recent marketing activity and see that things are not getting done, it’s time to call in some help.

The daily operations of your business are likely to keep you busy, with deadlines and planning and resolving issues that arise. It’s only natural to let things slip when you don’t have a clear direction, and in most cases when we speak to our clients about why they hired Simplicity Marketing, is it because they put their marketing bottom of the to-do-list but realise it plays a key role in the overall success of their business.

Hopefully, you’ve realised that working with an agency can bring many added benefits, but if you are unclear or want to find out more, get in touch and let’s talk about how we could help you.


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